Typical Day in the Car

When planning for this trip the big unknown…well, one of them, was the car rides. How could we keep the kids from flipping out after being in the car for 8 -10 hours at a time? Well, it certainly has not been without incident..we had a shoe thrown up onto our dashboard yesterday…but for the most part it’s gone pretty well. 

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Jonathan Gordon
Typical Day in Carmel Valley

In our perfect world we were able to have in depth conversations about all the aspects of this adventure and worked through any inconsistencies so we were completely on the same page. 

In reality we had mini conversations in passing and agreed on a few core beliefs for the trip. Among them was to maintain daily structure and routine for the kids development…and for our own need to find time to work. 

We’ve found it’s doable, sort of.

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Jonathan Gordon
Wait. What?

When we look back at the biggest events in our lives, most of them can be traced back to a simple, random conversation. Gina and Jon met because she had a conversation with her seat mate on a plane. Jon worked at an orphanage in Mexico because he ran into someone he knew at a soccer game. Gina started her Arbonne business because she ran into an old friend at a party. This adventure is no different as it began on our couch back home. 

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Jonathan Gordon
Our Story

Life was feeling fast. Our children aren't in school yet, our oldest daughter is at the pre-K age, so we decided to pause the hustle and go on a 6 month adventure. The goal, well, there are several goals but a main one is to have some real time together as a family before life speeds up even more. The blur of school, classes, practices, games, recitals, etc is coming around the corner and approaching us fast.

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Jonathan Gordon