To be continued...

Hello everyone! Thank you, again, for being a part of this adventure with us. Throughout this entire escapade the number of people who have reached out to us through email, through social, and in person has been exciting, surprising, and incredibly humbling.

We are settling back into our home and by “settling” we really mean nesting. This period of preparation is in full effect as we wait for this little one to arrive. We have painted rooms, put together new beds and cribs, and moved rooms around to look at them more times than we’d care to admit.

One of the conversations we’ve been having (repeatedly) is what life is going to look like once this little being does choose to arrive. We know enough to know that we don’t know.

However, we do think that we are going to make some adjustments to this beloved blog.

As it stands right now the plan is to write a post introducing you all to the 5th member of Us 5 and then to slow down the posts. Instead of creating content every Friday we will be a bit more sporadic. We will continue to share the major milestones and noteworthy events, but our focus for the time being is going to be, well, being a family of 5.

Once we have a bit of a routine we will go back to posting regularly. In the meantime we will be posting gratuitous family pictures on our Instagram so give us a follow if you’re into that sort of thing.

Thank you all, more than you know. You’ll hear from us again once he’s here.

~ Us 5 with love

Jonathan Gordon